Bye bye Beijing
by Ole Chavannes, 26 augustus 2008

The Games are over, time to go home - watch the best rated KNN Sport videos:

One world, one team

Not only the Olympic sports men and women were going for gold in Beijing: also over 20.000 journalists tried to be smarter, faster and better than the rest. It is up to you what reporting on the Olympics you liked best, but it’s a fact the journalists of KNN Sport showed the true team spirit.

Now the Games are over, the KNN Sport project also comes to an end. We are packing our bags and are about the fly to our homes, all over the world. The journalists from Z Kids News (Zambia), Cerita Anak (Indonesia), Kids News (South Africa), Youth Voice (Burma), Tien Minuten Jeugdjournaal (Surinam) and NAPA (Peru) all stated in their final evaluation forms the same idea: next time we work even more together.

It is the first time Free Voice organised a project in which journalists from the Kids News Network got the chance to really work together for a month, covering the biggest event in the world. This cooperation between the different teams went better than we expected. Every day the kids news reporters would help each other with technical problems, discuss story ideas, giving feedback on each others items and also having lots of fun with each other. This journalistic process was fully serviced by the ever hard working supporting team of local producers, translators, production assistent Toby Kegler, project manager Maike Olij and editor in chief Winfried Baijens.

The result of all the hard work: a balanced mix of youth news reports, both informative, critical and funny clips about the event. In total we produced over 50 items that were broadcasted worldwide. All kids news programs also used items made by other teams in their shows and websites. The almost 20 clips at the KNN Sport youtube channel were watched over 6000 times and several other media, like the GPD, Wereldomroep, radio FunX and the NOS Jeugdjournaal, reported on this project.

Respect for the dedication of every team member, the enthousiasm, flexibility and willingness to learn from each other. Thanks to everyone who helped this project succeed: I believe everyone has won their golden medal for team spirit.

Ole Chavannes
program manager KNN

The KNN sport team in Beijing- photo: Pauline de Senerpont Domis

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