Launching kids news in Zambia
?Do you know Z kids news-at-five?", asks a cameraman from Z-KidsNews@5. A group of kids in Lusaka are standing together in front of the camera of MUVI TV, the first independent station in Zambia. "Yes! We love it!", screamed the children."Are we going to be on television now?"
by Ole Chavannes, 31 december 1969

Z Kids News @ 5 is on air!

Yes! They're going to be on Zambian television every Friday. The southern African country recently launched a news show,
especially for children between 8 and 14-years-old. With support from Free Voice's Kids News Network (KNN), an expert news
team is fully trained and kicked-off the show late October with an official launch party.

Not only shall MUVI TV launch their new program, but they'll also open a brand-new television studio. "The biggest in Zambia",
MUVI TV-director Mr Steve Nyirenda added proudly. So, the launch of kids news must be live, which is easier said than

Only half-an-hour before the launch show begins and the paint on the building is still drying. Kids News presenters run around
nervously. One camera doesn't function properly; where is the technician? Suddenly, a power cut hits the studio, I cross my

While children get treated to some cake and cola, directors and sales managers from Zambian businesses enter the big new
building. Ambassadors from France, Germany and the Netherlands arrive alongside none other than Mr Radhakrishna Roy
Padayachie, Zambia 's deputy-Minister of Communications. We serve them drinks, while a technician hastily (and quite
skilfully) hooked-us-up to the neighbour's electricity supply.

MUVI TV director Steve in front of new studio

MUVI TV and Free Voice organised the launch party. First and foremost to celebrate the fact that kids in Zambia get a new
voice. Secondly, to honour the young journalists who successfully finished their intensive training program. We also invited a
range of Zambian companies, NGO's and the government to support the program on the long term. Free Voice finances most of the
program for one fiscal year. Guests at the party were requested to make it a truly sustainable project for the next
generations of Zambian kids, after the initial 12 months period expires.

It's the first children's program in Zambia that takes kids' views seriously. Kids News is a tried and tested approach: in
other countries where kids news is already broadcast, consistent high-ratings is evidence that kids love to express their own,
intelligent views & opinions on national and world news topics.

The program has just commenced in Zambia and it already seems a success. The kids news team receives phone calls, letters and
emails from kids containing all manner of compliments, questions and suggestions for potential news items. Children that can't
receive the MUVI TV signal (it doesn't cover the whole country yet), did manage to locate the online website and ask the ZKids
News team when they can watch 'their news' on the telly too. Z-KidsNews is the first KNN project that simultaneously started
its website in conjunction with the TV program.

Dutch ambassador Middeldorp in Zambia at launch Z Kids News

Back in the packed and rather warm studio. We have electricity supply, but unfortunately not enough to allow for the air
conditioning to work properly. Count-down time arrives, the kids news introductory tune starts and, before we know it, kids
news is live! It was a broadcast complete with speeches, kids news-clips, live performances (the 'Zambian Idol' sang live) and
the kids news team received KNN certificates, with compliments from their deputy Communications Minister Mr Padayachie, the
Dutch ambassador Mr Eduard Middeldorp, and KNN's program manager. It turned out to be a wonderful party and several guests
pledged funding. All said and done: a splendid start for the youngest kids-news crew of the Kids News Network!

The Z Kids News team

Z-KidsNews is broadcast on MUVI TV once weekly: every Friday at 5 o'clock. However, over the next 6 months it will be
broadcast up to five times per week. Check out the latest Zambian Kids News Online: ZKidsNews@5 is made possible together with support from the Dutch
Foundation for Democracy and Media and href="">UNESCO.

Epe, November 13th

Amsterdam, November 7th
Check this videolink on youtube - editing stuff, just for fun.
Utrecht November 4th
Anak Wayang Nederland fundraising

From left to right: Ellis, Bram, Caroline and Tamara, board members of AWN. Last saturday, we were raising money with hanging
coats at a party. All this to give some Indonesian kids a chance to enjoy alternative
Lusaka, October 21st

Night snack in Lusaka
October 17th
Tomorrow I'll fly to Zambia for the launch of the Kids News. So stay tuned for fresh
African pics, soon at this blog...

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